Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Friday, December 09, 2005

A List of Random Things

Because I am REFUSING to use the word "meme" in the title. I don't want to scare readers away. So, Tesco, thanks a bunch. Payback will be a bitch, never you fear.

1. I can actually be quite shy in large groups. I've been known to sit back and just observe what's going on, rather than jump right in. It comes from a long history of being a bigmouth, and finally realizing that it isn't always about me. Though it should be... ;)

2. Christmas music frequently makes me cry. And I'll be posting some of my all-time favorite gushers on my calendar, so stay tuned.

3. I almost failed my first college-level math class, and had to go back to my high school math teacher from senior year for extra help. I commuted to school, the professor had horrendous office hours, and the high school was up the street from my house.

4. Building on that, however, I ended up graduating magna cum laude from Boston College (#69 out of 1164 in the school of Arts and Sciences), with a major in sociology. And this is probably the only forum where I'll ever be able to brag about that.

5. My sisters and I sometimes speak our own language of slang, made up entirely of movie and song quotes, and get confused when people have no idea what we're talking about.

So, for future victims:
Bob (wishful thinking)
Colleen (sistah!)
the next person to visit here from Michele's site. Feel free to leave your answer in the comments, if you'd rather.

A big surprise this morning, as the phone rang right after my alarm went off, announcing there was NO SCHOOL today! It wasn't snowing at all when I woke up, but it was supposed to snow at a pretty good clip for most of the day (as it's turning out, right now), and I guess the superintendent was nervous about buses bringing kids home in the middle of a big storm. So, he called it. Most of the towns neighboring where I work have it off, but the town I live in does not, which means my sister is working, and my nephew is in school as well. They should make it home ok, but I'm glad he doesn't take the bus. So, the order of the day is putting up the Christmas decorations!

Make sure you check out my flickr badge for pictures of the Lennon memorial, taken last Sunday.

Also, thanks to Tesco and ALa for being such great hosts last weekend; we had a great time meeting you and the little guys, and you're welcome up here anytime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I grew up in the South Shore of Boston. Am enjoying browsing your site. I especially like the push/pull logo up top.

From your answers, I would guess you were a 5 on the enneagram (an old system of personality types originally from the Sufis, I think). It takes one (5) to know one.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Viamarie said...

My friends & I also had our own language ( by adding a set of letters to each syllable) while we were in grade school. We use it only when we didn't want others to understand what we were talking about...quite an impolite practice but we got away with it.

7:28 AM  

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