Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Friday, May 19, 2006

Trouble's Meme

Ok girl, I'll play along.

I AM: 32 flavors, and then some. Why do I feel the need to quote Ani for that answer, but I think the implications of that line say it better than I could.
I WANT: to be taken seriously.
I HATE: the fact that my parents just got divorced after 35 years of marriage. How fucking stupid is that?!
I MISS: my high school friends. We had a lot of fun together, and they "got" me.
I FEAR: making decisions.
I HEAR: the clock ticking in the other room, and a bird chirping outside.
I WONDER: when the fuck it will stop raining here?! Enough of this shit.
I REGRET: the things I didn't do when I was young, not the things I did. It took a while to realize that. I'm keeping your answer, Trouble.
I AM NOT: perfect, and I need to let myself accept that.
I DANCE: when I've had too much to drink. I also dance when I'm feeling sexy.
I SING: badly. In my car. I don't care if you catch me.
I CRY: when I'm feeling vulnerable. Sometimes, if you see my office door closed, don't knock. I'm at my desk crying because I can't seem to get it together.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: happy to see you. Sometimes, I need to be by myself. I have an internal "fun meter", and sometimes, even people I like cause it to trip out.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: really good chilli. Actually, I'm a pretty good cook.
I WRITE: on my blog, mostly. Sometimes, really bad poetry. I write because I can't always say what I'm thinking.
I CONFUSE: other people's expectations for me with my own expectations for me. Again, Trouble, that's pretty much me.
I NEED: to stop worrying. A quote: Don't worry that there won't be a tomorrow; it's already tomorrow in Australia. I have that taped up at my desk at work, at eye level, if I'm sitting at my computer. It helps. Trust me.
I SHOULD: clean my house this weekend, as well. Dusting sucks, though.
I START: perseverating on things I can't change, and make people around me crazy.
I FINISH: every piece of chocolate put in front of me. Hence, the Weight Watchers. ;)

Open tag on this one.


Blogger carmilevy said...

Hi Courtney. Dropped in from Michele's today.

I can so relate to your "not always happy to see you" thought. I'm like that, too. Everyone thinks I'm always happy to welcome them into my office, home, whatever.

Truth be told, sometimes I just want to be left alone.

In all things in life, there must be balance, I suppose.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, all my Mass. relatives are bailing out their basements full of water. I also so relate to you "not always happy to see you" remark. Are more bloggers like that than not, I wonder? I also love Ani D. She was in Floyd last year at the Floyd Fest. Pretty wild for such a small town. And you can bet I blogged about her!

10:05 AM  
Blogger Trouble said...

Thanks for playing...i hope you liked doing it. It was a good reminder for me of some stuff I need to remember.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, I sing in the car too. That's why I never mind when I have to take a long trip by myself someplace. The last time my friend goes, "You drove 5 hours along?" And I said, "I wasn't alone, I was with the Dixie Chicks." :)

Michele sent me.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

this was a great one. usually these surveys/questionaires/whatever they are irk me for some reason... this one requires some more substansive replies though. thanks!

3:09 PM  
Blogger yellojkt said...

That's a lot of work. I'm going to have to pass. You did a very nice job though. Late in life divorces baffle me too. I feel bad for you about it.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Trouble said...

Gosh, courtney, I'm so sorry about the thing with your parents, too. It seems so pointless after 35 years.

5:25 PM  
Blogger jlmack said...

Before I went to Japan, I was a constant worrier. I was really nervous about flying and my sister's bonehead boyfriend was not making things easier for me. My dad told me 'If you're going to die in a plane crash, you're going to die in a plane crash. There is nothing you can do about it. Don't worry about things that may not happen.'
Well. That statement drastically changed my life.
35 years. My parents celebrate their 40 years next year and I often what keeps them together.

2:55 PM  

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