Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Song Titles Meme

Memes tend to suck, but this one was interesting. Found via Bradley, and his Almanac.

The Task: Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY IN SONG TITLES by that band:
Artist/Band: Bob Mould (all incarnations count)
Are you male or female: The Girl Who Lives on Heaven Hill
Describe yourself: I Am Vision, I Am Sound
How do some people feel about you: Makes No Sense At All
How do you feel about yourself: New Day Rising
Describe what you want to be: Visionary
Describe how you live: Whichever Way the Wind Blows
Describe how you love: High Fidelity
Share a few words of wisdom: Whatever

I have some friends out there who like some great bands, so for the tag, whoever's game. I know better than to target at least ONE specific person...


Blogger Andrew said...

Mine is posted here.


3:14 PM  

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