Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Random Mishmash Entry

Lots of things running around in my head right now. First, I went to an informational meeting with the developer and architect that is turning my former church into condos. Since I currently live next door to the property, I'm concerned about construction impact, but we're months away. It's being billed as a 40R zoning overlay, essentially mixed use for urban renewal. I also realized, as I looked around the room at the faces of the former parishoners, that I've been staring at the faces in that room for my entire life.

Just as I picked up this book, the hubub ensues. Fact or fiction, what I've read so far is fucking compelling, and it's a powerful read.

More examples of the flaws in NCLB, and the frustration my district has experienced as well.

Tesco's asking an interesting question today.

Thanks, MJ! Looking forward to the next 4000.

Oh, and finally, to satisfy the 100 billionth time I've been tagged with this meme, I will update my weirdness report.
1. I always have to study bites of food before I put them in my mouth. I look at the texture and the colors, and whenever people catch me, they think I'm a freak.
2. Yesterday, sitting in the dentist's office, underneath the lead vest they put on you when they X-ray, I didn't want them to take it off. The weight was comforting.
3. I'm afraid of walking over subway grates on the sidewalk. I think they're going to cave in on me.
4. I blow my nose in the shower (gross, huh? Well if yellojkt can cop to picking his nose, I can cop to this).
5. Cream cheese and strawberry jelly on white bread is one of my favorite sandwiches.

Carry on.


Blogger yellojkt said...

I blow my nose in the shower too. There is no end to my nasal depravity.

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I blow my nose in the shower"


7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You probably know this already, but deep pressure is often a comforting feeling. Lots of kids (and adults, for that matter) with autism will respond positively to deep pressure even if they're tactile-defensive.

Dr. Temple Grandin is perhaps one of the most famous people with autism. She actually developed a "squeeze machine" that she uses as a calming device. There's more about it here:

I got to see her speak once on Long Island about ten years ago. She's a fascinating speaker and it's interesting to watch her answer questions that are outside her experiential realm.

Oh, and my brother does that with his food, too. He's especially well-known for smelling every bite before he eats it.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, you're welcome. Thank YOU for stopping by once in awhile to liven up the place.

8:33 AM  
Blogger HRH Courtney, Queen of Everything said...

Claude, I thought of that after they took it off. It's been said by some experts in the field that there is no behavior that is exhibited in a person with autism that can't be found in a neuro-typical population.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Trouble said...

thanks for the book reco, I am always looking for a new read and what I'm reading now is just...meh...dull.

Tesco's question WAS interesting and my bf and I even talked about it yesterday at lunch...

And I'm with you on #2. In fact, I like it when a guy lays partially on top of me, I like that feeling of weight and heaviness on me, it's oddly comforting.

My thoughts are with you on the condo thing, I hope it turns out okay.

9:07 AM  
Blogger The Mistress of the Dark said...

Cream cheese and strawberry jelly sounds quite good. Now I'm hungry

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right, and that's probably what's led to this sudden spike of prevalence of autism in the general population. It's way too easy to diagnose nowadays. When it was first identified by Dr. Kanner back in the 1940s, the stats were about 4 in 10,000. Now it's something like 60 in 10,000.

I think, however, that it's a matter of degree. It's not as though everyone builds squeeze machines.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Viamarie said...

Cream cheese and strawberry jelly sandwich looks enticing. I think I'll try it.:)

9:15 AM  
Blogger trusty getto said...

Yea, thanks for the Tesco question, which was apropos. I left a comment over there with him. It kinda tied into my Kate Bush post of a few weeks ago.

11:01 AM  

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