Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Friday, September 03, 2010

And Everywhere We Go, The Sun Won't Always Shine

This is Our Lady of Clonfert. If you read her legend, you will see she is a survivor.

Our Lady, closer

This is Our Lady's prayer. I almost didn't discover this prayer. I was feeling tired that afternoon, and didn't want to get off the bus and go into this tiny, ordinary, modern church to see the Madonna they pulled from the bog. But, she called me, and I went in to look. I picked up the Mass Card near the statue and read her prayer, and dug around for euros because I knew I needed to have this prayer with me when I went back home.

Our Lady of Clonfert, I come to you, as one of your children, who will never forget the importance of a woman like you. I come because I believe in you. I come to say thanks for the past and the present and ask you to bless me in the future.

You know me, you know how I live and you know my needs. Please help me especially when I need you most. I have problems, worries, and anxieties the same as everyone else--help me to cope. So often I would just love to give up when life hurts me and people betray me, but give me the courage never to lose heart.

Bless my family, my life, and my friends. Help me, no matter what happens to me in life, to believe, to trust, and to hope. Our Lady of Clonfert, Pray for us.

I'm not offering up this prayer, or this song, for me tonight. But I am offering it up for someone. Praying that this person continues to believe, to trust, and to hope.

Beautiful - Christina Aguilera

MP3 File

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Blogger carmilevy said...

Sometimes, we're just meant to pause, go in and pick it up despite the fact that we simply wanted to keep moving.

Fate, no?

I pray your prayer is heard.

7:21 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

I didn't doubt it was fate for a minute, Carmi. One of many really powerful messages to my spirit I found in Ireland.

I hope it's heard, too. Thank you.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It is easy to forget the power of prayer and then it catches you unawares and brings a calm acceptance of the present and a glimpse of understanding for the future.

Thank you for finding this prayer, Courtney. I hope your prayers are answered for those close to you and I would also like to offer this prayer for my dear friends and family.

I will also send it to my Mam who I know will put it in her prayerbook and send to all her friends. In this way, it will be an American visitor who initiated the re-distribution of this prayer around Ireland.

6:38 PM  

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