Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A 365 to 40 Holiday, Day 23: They're Singing Deck The Halls, But It's Not Like Christmas At All

Tear.jerker. There aren't many modern Christmas songs out there better than this one.

I'm sure there are folks out there who think that Darlene Love's version cannot be surpassed, but I disagree. Bono and the boys take all the desparation and longing and heartbreak and pour it out into the snow for you. He's always been able to do that, even when he's been on his Kind of the D-Bags trips. This song just makes you YEARN. Hard core, down to your toes and the depths of your soul. I could talk about what I think about when I hear this tune, but I'm not in that sharing of a mood today. However, listen to him at the end: "BABY, please come home, BABY, please come home..." Please. Whoever you are...

Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - U2

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