Midvale School for the Gifted Alumni Association

Sunday, January 02, 2011

I Know It Don't Thrill You

So, it's the last evening of vacation. I've spent the afternoon dismantling Christmas. It's always sad to see my house after the decorations have been put away, even though it's been returned to the state it lives in 11 months out of the year. I just love the festive feel, and it always makes me a little blue.

Combine that with the return to work tomorrow, and a less than stellar New Year's celebration, I'm feeling a little cranky. Such is life. It's about to get crazy busy for me too, as I start teaching a grad course on the 11th, and my own coursework starts on the 21st.

Enjoy the last night of the winter holidays, folks. Breathe deeply tomorrow.

Welcome to the Working Week - Elvis Costello

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